Saturday, June 18, 2022

How to Make the Most of Odd-Shaped Bathrooms

Bathrooms are not all created equal. Although bathrooms and en-suites can be squeezed into homes to make it easier, this often comes at the cost of space.

Sometimes, you may need to design your bathroom layout and bathroom design around an odd-shaped space. We'll discuss how to deal with these situations in this article.

Take advantage of the opportunities you have

It is important not to get too concerned about how your bathroom looks. Accept it for what it is and you will be far less stressed if you embrace it instead of trying to make it better.

Plan your layout if your ceiling slopes, or if the room is narrower on one side. Is it possible to fit a corner bathtub into one side? Can an alcove accommodate a shower cubicle in it? You can make creative use of low ceilings to store units.

Accepting what you cannot do and accepting it is what you must do will allow you to maximize what you can do.

Furniture that saves space

Free standing Bathroom Storage Cabinet with Basin
Bathroom Vanity Unit with Basin

Bathroom furniture manufacturers have recognized the importance of creating furniture that is small and unique to fit the environment.

Small cisterns and corner vanity units, as well as wall-hung basins, are great options to ensure you have big bathroom features in a small bathroom.

A lot of shelving can be a great way to ensure you have enough space for storage while still having floor space.

Personalise your room

Your bathroom's imperfections can be easily disguised by adding your personal touches.

You can add your personal touch to the space with quirky wall decorations or ornaments. Placed mirrors with lights can open up your bathroom and make it appear larger and more convenient than it is.

You will feel less restricted if you are able to plan your bathroom to accept its limitations and make the most of it.